Spark Tally Friday!

This week was spent reading and editing, so no word count for me. I’m happy to report that all the early mass deletions and reimagining really paid off. Most of the story is how I want it. The end still needs some stuff worked out, but not as much as I feared.

Now that I’ve completed something again, I really would like to get back to the ten submissions a month schedule. I’ll keep you posted if it works out.

I must admit to the post-finishing-a-big-project-depression. It’s like the let down after Christmas. But the recovery for me was faster this time. Do you guys go through that? Do you do anything special to aid the recovery?

How are the word counts this week?

A BIG THANKS to the women at Love Lust and Lipstick Stains. They read A Sunset Finish and reviewed it!

6 thoughts on “Spark Tally Friday!

  1. I wrote 1100 words this week. I know what you mean about the depression following completing a project, especially one you like. You have euphoria and then a kind of let down. It’s sort of like birthing a baby. I guess nothing helps that but starting on a new project or coming up with a new plan. It sounds like you’re doing that. I can’t wait to read your new fairy book. All the best of luck with it.

  2. My word count for the week was almost 6,000 and all typed last Sunday and then I took the week off, since I finally finished my rewrite. I don’t know about the depression thing. I was super excited Sunday night, so much that I hardly slept and that adrenaline rush carried me into late Monday night. By Wednesday night I was crying my eyes out and feeling like the whole thing sucks. The next day I felt fine again. Sounds pretty bipolar to me. So yeah I guess maybe it was post depression. I like how Shari explained it. But by the next day I was fine again. I try to just ride out the lows and relish the highs.

  3. After reading this twice, I just wanted to add that having a baby is not a let down, but the sheer exhaustion and the fear that goes along with it, like “Now, what do I do?” is what I meant and that applies also so well to finishing a story or book.

  4. @ Shari I knew what you meant :)

    @ Tina I’m glad it was relatively short lived for you. I’m anxious to see what your next project will be.

  5. I started a new novel this week. I feel like I’m done with shorts for a little while but still needed something outside of my fantasy trilogy to work on. For a while, it seemed like I’d come up with a new idea for a standalone novel every other week just to scrap it a few days later. This one stuck. I wrote about 7,000 words this week, and really, that was only in the last few days. I think I got the idea on Wednesday. It just keeps pouring out and reads more like a second or third draft instead of my typical “see-spot-run” first drafts. Why can’t they all happen this way?

    I personally don’t have kids of my own, so I can’t compare it to finishing a novel or major writing project. I combat the post-depression by having more than one work in progress going at once. Finishing one makes more times for the others. Plus, one more finished story means another chance of publication. I guess that’s optimism?

    Congrats to everyone else on their word counts and accomplishments this week.